Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hectic weekend ahead of me

So David's birthday will be this Saturday. At 11:55 am is when he was placed in my arms, The single greates moment of my life. I'm doing his big bday party Saturday at my mom's house: there will be a clown, music, games, piƱata, a bounce house. Basically the WORKS!!

When I started to do this I received a lot of criticism from people9 mostly certain family memmbers) because a) he was to young he wouldn't remember and b) it was unnecessary splurging.

Although alot of time and work goes into doing this for David at the end of the day ever single penny that is put into this has been worth the money, late nights and priceless smile on my son's face.

I am following a blog that changed and altered my own patience and temper with David. It's the story of a little boy called Ezra who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. He passed away Sunday not even making it to his 3rd year and i'm privileged among many other mom and dad's to be able to celebrate a year of life. So why not splurge on something you only celebrate once a year?

I will post pictures up of his bday. His family from his dad's side are all flying in Friday and although I love them all very much ( grandparents, uncle and aunt and his dad) it's truly funny to be able to have your own private viewing of MY Big Fat Greek Wedding scene where the parents of her boyfriend come over and meet her family. Lets just say minus the roasting lamb out front in the law it is basically the same lol.

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