Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mathews Story

So apparently i just tried to publish the post and eveything I wrote got erased... Ugh dont you just miss the old days where it was only pen and paper and could only blame it on the dog for loosing something. Well today was a pretty relaxed day stayed home all day. Been going through a financial Rut and cant even afford to go out on the days I dont go to school to spare gas those days. But either way I'm still grateful to God for other things. Pretty much cleaned cooked and enjoyed watching David build with his legos right up to the moment when he took a crayon a BLACK crayon and decided it was a blank piece of paper and colored it up. UGH i was not a very happy camper considering these are newly tiled floors, so after the harsh scream, mild spanking and timeout I made him clean it himself at his best ability and off he was for an early bedtime. Many of you might thing probably over did it but i've learned something these past almost 3 yrs of being a single mother is that true motherly love is discipling your child even if it does feel like a knife is pentrating your heart.

As i'm ready to put a close to the end of my night I decided to check my email before hitting the haysack and recieved an email from my dear friend Kasey.The minute i start reading this blog the tears start pouring down. Its of the story of Ezra a 2 yr old boy fighting neuroblastoma a rare type of cancer mostly found in infants and yet no cure for it. My little one is only a few months older and now looking back being so upset at him seems almost nonsense compared to what this family is going through.

I guess sometimes we let things like financial burdens or everyday life stresses really take over what is truly important. My thought and prayer go to this family.

Just another day of rollercoaster emotions


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