Reading back now to my first original post I remembered my real true intentions as to why I decided to begin this blog. Life is always going to give you bumps along this road we call life or journey but it's knowing how to roll with them that shows our real character and makes us a better person and ultimately a better generation. My purpose in life i have yet to know it but I have hopes of one day recieving God's greatest gift or one of his many great gifts and it's love. I'm not talking about the love you recieve from family or friends or even your kids. I'm talking about that love you read or see about. Maybe it's far fetched for me, but Hope is one of the greastest thing a human being can feel. I feel without Hope your just an empty shell.
I never went into great detail what really led me to start blogging, except for the fact that its an apparent new trend and part of me misses the Xanga era (yes Xanga!).
My separation from David's dad is far to complicated to even bother going into detail, but it's one of those bumps along my road i needed to encounter which has build the strong character I hold now. Surprisingly we carry a pretty astonishing and amazing relationship( at least to me its that) Things completely ended for us and i've moved on from the hope of reignited that relationship. Many might think hey shouldnt you be thinking of working things out instead of moving on? and i respect your opinion but when so much pain is inflicted your better off walking into different directions. He needs to grow as a person and he needs to do it alone. I'm a better mom everyday and this balanced out relationship is much healthier for David.
October 2009 was the hardest month i lived breaking news of a marriage i had no idea was occuring, 2 car accident and 2 failed classes later on. Wooof! am i glad 2009 now is behind me and now i'm livin this and moving onto 2011 with such a different perspective than then.
I live by the following " LIfe is not the breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away" A may sound like a cheesy or corny saying but I have hope that a moment like that will come and I can say what I'm happy to see my friend kasey say" A fresh breath of air" =)
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